A ragged nest of twigs and stems, intertwined with little bits of grass and string bearing neither rhyme nor reason until suddenly, like kaleidoscopic gems falling into place to form a complete picture, that messy ragged nest becomes an inticately woven container of comprehension.
From deep in the dresser, I say, from deep in the dresser,
Where Adam stored the dreams from Eve's mirror,
Gee I wish I had written that
Or taken the WoW photo
Illustrating the poem
The house in the sunset
Or even if I could run again
My Sensei says at 82
Running too hard on the knees
So I kick ass instead
In Karate
And right now
My left foot slightly unusable
My head foggy from gout
I remember one of my best runs
I'm at some conference
With my attractive wife
We still have no kids
After ten years married
And I run through
Maybe the most beautiful town
On the continent
San Antonio
The River walk
I should stop here
Haven't yet put on
This morning's socks
A ragged nest of twigs and stems, intertwined with little bits of grass and string bearing neither rhyme nor reason until suddenly, like kaleidoscopic gems falling into place to form a complete picture, that messy ragged nest becomes an inticately woven container of comprehension.