Article voiceover

Silence is a limiting factor beneath the surface of the frozen lake reflecting the sun as if the quality of warmth has been extracted and sunk below the appearance of it. Roethke said to learn by going where to go, but sometimes it's where not to. As I stood on the ice, frozen solid enough in the minus-twenty-one morning for the danger of falling through to be inconsequential, I still felt the cold claw of death on my face, I still wondered if I shouldn't have remained reclining like a leisurely potted plant in the greenhouse of my room. That was yesterday and indeed I am glad I went out on the ice then. But today I have learned the limits of my world, and stay within the warm confines of my sunstrewn heated living room.
Given the choice on a morning that is cold unto suffering, do you generally lean staying in or going out? Or is it a day to day decision?
This is a well-crafted poem about learning the limits of one's world. Great inversion of Roethke in the second stanza to bring us this gem of wisdom from experience: 'To learn by going ... where not to go.' (I've shortened it slightly) Good stuff!