Article voiceover
Sunrise off the interstate syncopates our Montana sojourn waking up in Billings to the music of regrets merging into a melody of love’s momentous consolation in the family of things, in shared memories and plans, in the motel breakfast buffet, in the foibles of friendship and the knowing what not to say when politics and friendship collide. At the Wyoming state line meadowlarks begin to sing in earnest with cricket chorus, and the smell of wild flowers — despite horrific history — triggers a beatific vision of yin and yang united like the rolling hills and sky carrying us past Sheridan through a landscape rife with ghosts to get the car washed in Gillette on the way to the Devils Tower.
The unfortunate state of the world - “the knowing what not to say
when politics and friendship collides.”
"and the knowing what not to say / when politics and friendship collide" I remember when most of us didn't give a hot damn about politics... long before social media, invading our lives at such an unbearable degree, turning me into an anarchist by the day, and turning me off so many people that I never knew were such know-it-all pricks!