i once soloed a plane over this basin, once upon a time, and wants, a pawn, a thyme (parsley, sage, rosemary and) a few thousand sunrises ago when my brain wasn't fully formed and the rivers didn't say where they were going. I gave myself a capital I while going Off to college — not Columbia Basin, But a more expensive one that formed The basis for eventually having to pawn My license for something I'd had long ago, Long before either/or turned into both/and. but for the short while i had a Cessna and two Pipers to fly i felt myself going higher and higher and further ago than i could remember as i washed in the basin of my dorm/hospital room up on what felt like a hill — but feelings misinformed. There I was a freshman there to be formed By the study of the Great Works of the West and Perhaps a nod to the East like a pawn Glancing at the sunrise going, going, Gone, like water swirling in the basin And going down the drain of long ago. remember me to one who ages ago played that record in my room and formed this memory before i gave up, went for a base on balls and called it good, Joe DiMaggio and his gal who'd got up at dawn and were going to redeem everything I'd had to pawn. But there I was in the air, riding high upon The clouds, my instructor from long ago With the pair of scissors he was going To use to cut the back of my shirt which formed A traditional keepsake suitable for framing and Putting on the wall or to sponge out a basin after shaving in that basin; a clean-shaven pawn Going off to college and giving it a go, the dawn newly formed, and going, going, gone.
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This feels like a song.
Wow a poetic lone flyer
And a pawn shop
Ppl'd by Joe DiMaggio
And his wife
plus a pretty
Flying picture
Up in space