Oh Bravo!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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Thank you, DeeDee -- and for the restack -- cheers!

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A burst of words over the finish line. Well done. Bjork my favourite of these.

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BjΓΆrk for me as well, but also Amos and Ramones. I'm so glad Sheena got second wind too!

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Thank you, WP. Your inspiration turned into a wave that carried us all to the end of the month!

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Thank you, Treasa -- wasn't this a fun thing! My wife loves Bjork, too, so this was a good chance for me to see why.

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Yes! The certificate, well done you! BjΓΆrk, Tori Amos and Ramones what a finale! Thank you for your humor, dedication, inspiration and great poetry!

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The certificate was such a fun touch. Nicely done, WP!

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After all that hard work and dedication, it was the least I could do! We need to appreciate the fun bits of writing. Thank you again JP!

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

Whenever I hear quizling it reminds me of Vidkun Quisling, Norwegian prime minister during WW2 who was shot as a collaborator after the war in 1945. His surname became synonymous in Scandinavia with being a traitor during and after the war.

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Jun 2Β·edited Jun 2Author

Eesh yeah -- I'd forgotten about that when I came up with Quizlings (which, you might have guessed, is my one fictitious entry). The historical echo impinged on the fun I was having with it, unfortunately!

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

No worries, wasn't trying to be a jerk, just felt like giving a glimpse of how weird my mind works sometimes. Okay 99% of the time πŸ˜†

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I'm right there with ya :)

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

These are delightful

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Thank you, Patris

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

Great job. My all time favorite - I Like Your Stupid Hair.

It always makes me smile. You did it. I saw your Certificate.

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Thanks, Monica. See my reply to The Fossil above :)

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

Awesome, fun fun!!

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Thank you, Steve -- and for the restack!

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Loved your sonnets! Especially the poem that rhymes!

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Thank you, Connie

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Potter

I just found your Substack today. How delightful to read your poems on a Sunday morning. I will buck the trend and go with the Ramones as my favorite. The irreverence of the Ramones always made me smile.

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Thank you -- good choice -- makes me smile, too

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