Hello from Winnipeg, where the football gods have blessed us more than they should of late. Hopefully the Bombers and the Als will have a rematch at the Grey Cup.

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Climate change has many consequences!

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I love a great football poem, Jonathan! I can relate. My team won a narrow victory Sunday in memory of their long-time announcer who passed away Saturday. He seemed to be watching over the team as the opponents dropped several easy interceptions and missed an easy field goal.

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If anything could endear Canada to me more I don’t know it.

Sports no doubt are a metaphor for war- yet this seems less bloody.

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The sports gods have a rude sense of humor.

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May it be so.

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Wish there were something poetic in the way our Seahawks are playing.....(!)....

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When a team of fans think they are ahead a pass by toss of wind blows astray tickets to carry trophies and then dashes hopes for another season to see a win. Life tosses curved balls. We must be ready.

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