The Bourbon Street blues have a new meaning with shivers and shakes, mint julips aside cast ashore on Mississippi exchanged for st Lawrence tides.

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For a little while, oui, mon ami.

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Let good times roll.

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Nice poem!

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Thank you, Frédérique mon frère!

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Very cool

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A mint julep sleep--fantastic!

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Thanks Kim!

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I love jazz & blues, and we have an annual jazz festival here in Cork, so I can relate to the setting for this poem and waking up hungover, though I've never tried a mint julep. Love the pictures also.

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Thanks Martin — you should try a mint julep at the earliest opportunity

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I will. And some Potter Poems to go with it!

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Nice piece

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Thank you

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I would love to visit all the music towns in the US

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New Orleans is definitely that and more -- no place like it

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Love the poem!

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Thank you, Karen

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"the praline glaze of the sky" - beautiful

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Thank you, Amy

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I've never been. I hope you've enjoyed the trip!

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Thanks Rod -- it's a marvelous place!

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Beautiful. And the photos are stunning 😍❤️

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Thank you, Francesca

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So right after I read about the plow, I was like please incorporate seeds! And there is was. Beautiful, thank you for not forgetting about the weeds :)

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Thank you, Beth -- I love that!

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Cf. https://alaskanriviera.com/2015/01/27/4-23-mud-and-blood/ (the inspiration for the image)

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LOVE that second stanza. 🙂

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Thank you, Thomas.

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"and we will learn what it means

to miss New Orleans, like Louis said."

New Orleans always feels like a part of me that I know but regretfully only occasionally visit. Thanks for sharing this

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Thanks, Mike, it's great to hear from you here. Someday we should meet in New Orleans, if not in Alaska -- which I regretfully have yet to visit.

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‘…the bright feeling

of a poem coming on’ - what a true and lovely description!

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