Article voiceover
Escape with me, my love, on metal wings And let us flee this icy island, south To where the sun has fled with all good things, A game of hide and seek that winter brings — So let us seek the hiding place of warmth: Escape with me, my love, on metal wings. Let us go to where some mermaid sings About the sunrise and what lies beneath The place the sun has fled with all good things. Let's leave this ice-bound river's lovely stings And fly the sky-path to escape the wrath Of winter, yes, escape on de-iced wings. Let's be like grapes some slingshot flings Into a smiling goddess's magical mouth Down where the sun has fled with all good things To be consumed and born again with rings Of flowers round our suntanned bellies' girth. Escape with me, my love, on metal wings To where the sun has fled with all good things.
I don't know how much more of this wonderful, superb, and insightful poetry you write that I can tolerate. You blow my mind, and I am entirely enthroned in "POTTER'S POETRY."
Keep up your usual creativity, and as NIKE says, "JUST DO IT!"
If I suggested a getaway to Lisa like that, I am pretty sure she would not turn me down. Although I hear there are no Sonnets allowed on the menu for the Early Bird Catch in Daytona Beach.
I stopped on this line:
"Let's be like grapes some slingshot flings"
And re-read it out loud just to feel the shape it made in my mouth.