Oh my goodness Jonathan. I am on the floor laughing at your rap voice. I will go to bed and wake up laughing about this.

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hahaha! thanks, Monica, you've got my laughing now, too!

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Rap is wrapped up. Melts the air waves. But no snow blows ‘cept in the studios; that we know.

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Good one, Richard! hahaha!

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May 10Liked by Jonathan Potter

Do Ya Thang,

Gangsta Gangsta --

Check Yo Self!

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laugh now, cry later

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May 10Liked by Jonathan Potter

This was but a bread crumb that led to a dream poem.

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Thanks, Ron, good take!

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May 10Liked by Jonathan Potter

I saw ice cube at a music festival last fall…I don’t think I have recovered my hearing.

Love it.

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May 10·edited May 10Author

Thanks, Brian. The perils of decibels!

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