Montana (and big, wide-open places in general) make me feel this way too! That particular heart-yearning as you’re reminded of a life you’ve never lived. There’s probably an evocative Japanese word for that feeling. :)
I was born in Montana! It’s my home although I live in California now, but we’re I live here in the Sierra Nevada foothills reminds me so much of home. Thank you so much for sharing. You nailed Montana 🏔♥️
"You are not who you are in Montana" So many possibilities in this line. I am inspired. It's such a wonderful line, it rings all the bells!! I am working on a poem right now and hearing this is useful.
Those 80 mph midnights on I-90...
I dream of St. Regis trout ...
Thank you for the restack, Leslie.
Thank you
Great work!
Thank you!
This post has me imagining a life I’ve never lived. One far away from where I am now
Thanks for reading
I want to be in that poem. You set the scene so well.
Thanks Stan, i can picture you in it.
Love it!
Bravo. I love this.
Thanks Mathew -- one of the first things I wrote when I got started with Substack.
Montana (and big, wide-open places in general) make me feel this way too! That particular heart-yearning as you’re reminded of a life you’ve never lived. There’s probably an evocative Japanese word for that feeling. :)
Thanks, Rebecca. If there’s not a word for it, one may need to be coined!
I was born in Montana! It’s my home although I live in California now, but we’re I live here in the Sierra Nevada foothills reminds me so much of home. Thank you so much for sharing. You nailed Montana 🏔♥️
Thank you 🙏
Having grown up in Montana, I can testify that "The landscape swallows you up at any speed" catches the essence of the Big Sky Country perfectly.
To quote Wild Bill Hickok: I’m much obliged, Montana. (Deadwood)
"You are not who you are in Montana" So many possibilities in this line. I am inspired. It's such a wonderful line, it rings all the bells!! I am working on a poem right now and hearing this is useful.
Thank you Rebecca -- I'm glad it struck some creative sparks for you.