System failure. Improvise.

With what?

Call in the artist. Sketch a new plan.

Visualize. Disturb the Mars red sand.

Dig out the struts.

We got work to do.

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how can i work

in these conditions—

no wine on board

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Loved your poem at the end! Hahahha. Here goes

Oh no! My pen’s gone!

Floating away into space

Now what will i do?

Is poetry done?

Can I write with a finger

In the dust of Mars?

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Poet in Space

"No, that's not where the line should break," she snaps

at the floating dictation bot.

Its metallic voice droning on

about proper enjambment and caesura.

"I'm the poet here, not you, tin can."

Her words drift


in zero gravity.

The bot, unperturbed, continues its lecture:

"Proper line breaks are essential

for conveying meaning and emotion."

"Oh, shut it, you glorified toaster.

I'll break

my lines






The robot's lights flicker, processing this rebellion.

"Illogical," it concludes.

"But then again,

poets are not known

for their logic."

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not so much a poem, but poetry in sound perhaps...!:


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Reminds me of music for the heartbreaker movies in the 40s and 50s

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a poet needs words

a human needs air to breath

outer space needs none

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