Article voiceover

The stirring in my heart I felt this morning stirred me to wakefullness in the dim light of the pre-sunrise dawn. I rolled over on my back and touched my neck to check my pulse, wondering about my family history felt in the mirror and the back of my mind, pointing me to an image of the dark dawn, a liaison with death’s dim grim grin looking back at my dim reflection blinding my dilated pupils’ pre-dawn shuffling walk I felt was needed in order to pee before going back to bed to touch the lovely back of my lover in the dim calm of our marriage bed, to sleep a little more in my great good fortune deeply felt, then to rise with her at dawn. “How very early comes the dawn this time of year.” And I say back, “How early and late I’ve felt our love refuse to grow dim.” And she says, “I will come with you, my lovely poet.” “I’d love you to,” I say. We get in the car to go to the river where the dawn is overlaid with all our past and future going back to our dreams and memories’ dim and vivid images first felt when we felt the river flow to the dim majesty of the dawn — our going and our coming back.
I love the line: wondering about my family history felt in the mirror and the back of my mind; and the lovely alliteration; dim grim grin
Wonderful sestina.
WOW. Expertly crafted. Delicious.