This is fun. I love the capturing of these thoughts. Nice.

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Thank you, Arjan. I've been meaning to revisit your post about blockchains and whatnot about which I'm curious but uncomprehending.

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You're welcome, Jonathan. The blockchain thing can be intimidating. But in reality it isn't. There's the bit that you read about in the news, and there's a whole other world that is basically doing what we are doing on Substack, but then on blockchains. It can be really nice. The interesting thing is that it's a world with everything you can imagine. There are poems available for less than a coffee, and there's currently a poem on auction for which the current bid is 7000 dollar.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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Fun yet instructive.

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Thanks, Stan. Not as fun or instructive as I wish but I'm glad a bit of that comes through.

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Sunlight gently wakes,

Haiku whispers in my mind,

Apollo's embrace.


Words like morning dew,

His haiku paints joyous scenes,

Apollo's blessing.


Monthly subscription,

A gateway to poetic bliss,

Apollo's favor.


His titles I hold,

Treasures of verse and beauty,

Apollo's gift.


With each line I read,

Apollo's presence lingers,

Blessings of poetry.


Awakening smile,

His haiku sparks inspiration,

Apollo's divine touch.


In the morning light,

I find solace and delight,

Apollo's poetry.

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Thank you, Gloria. I love the summoning of Apollo here. I could use a good word from the oracle of Delphi.

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You are a direct descendant!

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You are so amazing!

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Marvelous it is

The potter's skill with the clay

The wheel turns all day

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Thanks Malcolm, i love that

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