Six servings of morning concentrate!

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Thank you, Stan!

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Orange juice sunshine

shaking globe

willow wild wings will

gold leaf shine

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Fantastic, Richard, thank you

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That globe willow has a rich inner life. More to it than your average near death revived giant poetically inundated globe willow.

The wires sending love and hate through an unflummoxed and nonjudgmental nature. That notion will stay with me today. I can feel it.

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Yes, it's quite a creature.

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Perhaps, if humanity, instead of celebrating artificially derived special days, were to take just a small amount of time to watch the subtle or profound differences of the start of each new day, which are all a wonder, it might recognise that there is continual space for change that could produce a more consistent harmony and universality.

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Thanks, Roger. This could be the mission statement for my project.

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Sounds perfect to me as your posts conform to it. If only so many other mission statements were so worthwhile and followed so conscientiously.

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The journey begins—

empty as a house of clouds,

my mind unfolding.

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Great one, Stefano — I love “house of clouds”

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