Article voiceover

From the end of Canal Street, looking across The river to Algiers and McDonogh and Whitney, I ponder the sun's gain and loss, And whether the weather will suddenly hit me With sheets of rain and fists of wind Like Monday evening when we rode in a jitney Through flash-flooded streets where we grimaced and grinned At the faces of folks who were fleeing for cover Or wading through puddles, clothes soaked or bare-skinned, As thunder and lightning made good to deliver More buckets and barrels and tubs of rains From voodoo tricksters in the sky where they hover Invisibly, risibly, dancing the pains Away with the torrents flowing in streams And spouting like fountains up from the drains Until the night came down with its dreams, A blanket of gray hiding the stars, And a new moon with clouds shrouding its beams Until Canal Street woke up and streetcars Began to travel their ancient tracks And workers began to clean the bars Of Bourbon street, the trash in sacks, The sun not seen. But now, a day later, The dawn is getting through these cracks To smile like a grinning alligator Or like a gold-toothed voodoo boss Or a crazy sunrise poem creator.
This poem is a symphony of stimulation and we are lucky to have Jonathan as our conductor.
oh how i love new orleans