rerun from Nov 2023
Nice one, O Sage of the Sagebrush!!
I have rarely seen
A whole picture
Of sagebrush
Nor in reality
lucky me tonight!
Thank you Jonathan for sharing, reminds me this poem I wrote I while ago—yet different.
That sun rising seems to be an eye looking just at the speaker.
Faith in Yourself
Become yourself,
Like a downpour
In a summer day,
Wild as newborn
River, in its
Untarnished spring.
Become the jewel
Which sails through time
Like lights across
the empty space
Between the nights.
This is not an age
For those afraid.
Too far the voids
Of dead matter,
The noisy spells
Of clouded pixels
Have reached through.
A thousands words
All meaningless,
Stare into empty mirrors—
And you can no longer
See your eyes.
Now is the time
Of feathers or warriors,
For you to hold your stand:
The mirror is your eyes.
Nice one, O Sage of the Sagebrush!!
I have rarely seen
A whole picture
Of sagebrush
Nor in reality
lucky me tonight!
Thank you Jonathan for sharing, reminds me this poem I wrote I while ago—yet different.
That sun rising seems to be an eye looking just at the speaker.
Faith in Yourself
Become yourself,
Like a downpour
In a summer day,
Wild as newborn
River, in its
Untarnished spring.
Become the jewel
Which sails through time
Like lights across
the empty space
Between the nights.
This is not an age
For those afraid.
Too far the voids
Of dead matter,
The noisy spells
Of clouded pixels
Have reached through.
A thousands words
All meaningless,
Stare into empty mirrors—
And you can no longer
See your eyes.
Now is the time
Of feathers or warriors,
For you to hold your stand:
The mirror is your eyes.