Wow, so cool. This really gives me the feeling of traveling, of going from one mode of transportation to another. The way it jumps back and forth between repeating lines and unique lines is just so representative of how consciousness feels sometimes. Thanks for this.
I feel the rocking of the train, the shared touch, the pain of saying good-bye. This writing rhythm is new to me, but I love it. It felt like it wrapped around my shoulders when I read it. Very nice, Jonathan!
You know, I normally don't like this form because it's so repetitive. But somehow, three of them in a row transforms it – the rhythm really works with your choice of subject. Thanks for making me like it!
Nice. I climbed those steps and visited the chalet this summer, my first time to Montreal. Encountered a lively groundhog on the way. It's a great spot. Love your triolets.
Your own stairway to your heaven.
Repetition of lines reminds of riding backwards on a train , a return to moments spent and regained.
Hypnotic. I love the movement.
Enjoyed this. I had never heard about a triolet.
Wow, so cool. This really gives me the feeling of traveling, of going from one mode of transportation to another. The way it jumps back and forth between repeating lines and unique lines is just so representative of how consciousness feels sometimes. Thanks for this.
Never heard of a Triolet
Beautiful poem
Beautiful place
Never been to Mount Royale Chalet
Make work government project
McGill University lies below
And the storied
And strangely evil
Allan Memorial Institute
Home of the psychic driving
The CIA sleep experiments
Where after being treated
My friend
Shot himself in the head
For the second time
Peter Dale Scott
Spent some time
There too
I feel the rocking of the train, the shared touch, the pain of saying good-bye. This writing rhythm is new to me, but I love it. It felt like it wrapped around my shoulders when I read it. Very nice, Jonathan!
You know, I normally don't like this form because it's so repetitive. But somehow, three of them in a row transforms it – the rhythm really works with your choice of subject. Thanks for making me like it!
There's so much energy in this form! Even when the words are a little somber, it reads in my mind like a little song.
Nice. I climbed those steps and visited the chalet this summer, my first time to Montreal. Encountered a lively groundhog on the way. It's a great spot. Love your triolets.