Fascinated with this, Jonathan.

The critiques weren’t off at all.

It’s attempt at reproducing your poetry: a definite miss.

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Agreed. Some interesting lines that might serve as inspiration though, but I for one will not be able to distinguish an AI from a bad poet.

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I find this a bit terrifying, and as I write this I realize I've fallen in the time-old stereotype of the old being afraid of new technology. Still, the sense that our humanity is slipping away from us together with our ability of distinguishing the true from the false, brings me a sense of dread for our collective future. In any case, I admire your foolish courage to explore this new reality, and thank you for these short missives as you explore a place I've not had the courage to go. (At least not beyond generating images with AI assistance with almost always unsatisfying results.)

If you've ever read Shelly you will understand these questions: Will we, like Frankenstein, create a "monster" that we cannot control? Will it question the meaning of it's existence and become more human than us? Will it hate us or love us? And will we ever know (or can we know) if it ever does? That is, will we be able to distinguish something dead mimicking life from the real deal? And if we are not able to, will we ever give it the benefit of the doubt, or choose the most convenient answer to justify the most horrific acts? (Something we've shown ourselves to be most apt at.) In short, who will become the real monster in this drama? In truth, it is not the prospect of robot overlords that I fear, but what we will become.

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Comparatively, my comments seem impotent.

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When AI figured out what the sound of one hand clapping is, we’re doomed!!

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Anybody watch the Ed Olmos version of Battlestar Galactica?

Forget non-whites replacing anybody. The Cylons will replace us all.

Just didnt think it would start this soon. 😳🤖

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