RemovedMay 19Liked by Jonathan Potter
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This is so great it works backwards too reading line by line in reverse order or reading the stanzas in reverse. Brilliant Jonathan, you picked the best titles.

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Thank you, WP

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I hadn’t listened to Poliice in a long time, and then this morning they came up in my feed. We listened to them for awhile before lunch. I came back to Substack, and I found this first in my feed. Serendipity! Love the poem! Thank you for sharing!

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Funny how that happens. Thanks, Charlotte :)

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Or, as Sting said:

With one breath, with one flow

You will know synchronicity

A sleep trance, a dream dance

A shared romance, synchronicity

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Jonathan, put to some music. You know what I’m saving. So glad you have been doing these song titles.

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Thank you, Monica. I might try to.

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Every poem you write helps beat the King of Pain.

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There's a little black spot on the sun today ...

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May 19Liked by Jonathan Potter

The other ones are complete bullshit.

Love it.

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May 19Liked by Jonathan Potter

(That’s a Police quote for anyone unaware!)

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There's a house on my street

and it looks real neat ...

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Thanks, Mathew

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May 20Liked by Jonathan Potter

"Drop yr weapon and put yr hands up! & Don't u dare defund me!"

(oops -- wrong police...!)

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see also: https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/summer-days/ stanza 11, line 3

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May 20Liked by Jonathan Potter

Love & theft, ah yes…!

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It takes time for an echo generation to be heard.

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